Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week 3

Well- I am on week 3. I can definatly say that it is not what I expected. I thought I would come here and everything would be great, and I would be soo happy. Wow- was I wrong. I knew I didnt like change- but this is big big big change. It is going to take a long time to get use to this. I am working at Subway until I find something more permanent, and that pays some more. I only live with these roommates for another 2weeks- and then I have to find another place to live. I had an offer to live in a 2 bedroom apt with 1 other roommate, but I really think I need to be with more people in a home, so that I dont isolate, and lock myself in my room. I have a place that I can go- with 6 other girls. I would be sharing a room. My only downfall is that you have to pay 500 deposit and 300 for rent. That would be 800 out of my pocket at once- and I just dont want to do that- because then I would be left with very little. Hopefully God comes thru and helps me find a better job!!

I wont lie- I am struggling. I am having a hard time adjusting and being ok. I think it will better once I get into a core group and start to make friends. Its just hard because I go to work, and then come home and sit in my room all night. I dont think I have ever cried this much in my entire life. I just really need some strength and peace. Well thats pretty much all I have to say for now!

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