Monday, September 5, 2011

Thoughts for today.

God please help me today. I cry out to you, and yet I feel nothing. I feel no help. I hurt today. My mind is in shambles. I feel like a complete and utter hopeless mess. My heart is so heavy with so many emotions. I feel like I have 1000 bricks piled on my heart and it hurts. Its hurts so much. I just wish someoene out there knew what was going on inside of me. I wish someone could feel this pain, feel this misery, feel this ache. I long for happiness, some kind of joy, anything to not feel this emptyness. God take these memories away. Take this panic of flashbacks away. Take these suicidal thoughts away. Just take me away please I beg you. I hurt too much. I cant control these thoughts anymore, I cant control my mind, my body, I dont even know who I am anymore. I just want someone to reach out, and hold my hand through all of this. I need to be held, I need to be loved, I need to be heard. I am screaming inside for help, I cant hold it together anymore. Please, anyone, someone help me.