Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Redding CA, to Gilbert AZ, to Indiana! WOWSER

Wow it has been 5 months since I have blogged. I guess my life has just been a bit busy to say the least. Well-the last time I blogged was in August! At that time I was still in CA! I moved in to a duplex and lived with 3 amazing girls!I worked at a group home for girls that have been in gangs, violence, alcohol, and drugs. I went to church as much as I could! I really enjoy Kris Valloton a lot. He knocks the message right down to your heart. I did a session called Sozo. It means saved, healed, and delivered. I have heard lots of positive results- but with me- it wasnt so positive. So thats all I am gonna say about that. I wont lie when I was in CA- it was rough a lot of the time. I believe its because God was like ok- time to open up! I was not comfortable with that, so I was stubborn. I did get really close with a few people when I was there. Those few people helped me make it through the pits!
Well I stayed for 3 months in CA, that is until my job decided that the state had to cut back on employees because they could not afford to pay so many people. Since I was the low man on the pole- I got told they would keep me, but it would only be as needed. I couldnt afford that. This is CA we are talking about! HA! I wish I could have stayed longer, but I needed a good paying job fast!
I was going to move to Indiana back home and look for a job, but 3 days before I was going to move, I got a call from my sister in AZ. She told me to come live with her, because there would be more room and she could get me an interview first thing monday morning. I left sat afternoon. It was an emotional car ride. I think I cried over half the time. My heart was breaking because I was leaving my friends. I was leaving people that loved me. My love tank was so full, and I could just feel it empty as I was driving. I got to AZ- and no call for an interview. Long story short- My sister messed my resume up. Instead of putting I had 5 yrs experience- she accidently put I only had 6 months experience. Its a long story- but it did get straightened out. I never did get an interview with those people. I think I am glad I didnt. I got a part time job at Subway. It kept me busy. I was miserable in AZ. I missed my friends, I missed my family, and I missed church. I cried myself to sleep most of the nights. I was miserable, broken, and needed love. I got really depressed (as if I am not anyways) but it was bad. I decided I was gonna email my old boss in Indiana to see if she had any openings. Within 20 min- she responded and was delighted to have me back. I moved 1 week later back to Indiana. SO Here I am working in good old South bend, and living in Laporte with my cousin until I can catch some bills up! Its good to go to a job where you are appreciated. The positives- well- closer to family, (esp my mom) better paying job, and free living so far! So this is where I am as of 1/13/10. I plan to stay in Indiana for awhile.